Wednesday, November 12, 2008

day 13

Well, we made it to Vegas and bee lined straight to the hospital to see the baby. He is so tiny! I can't believe that Taiya has her own baby. She wanted and tried for so long and when I look down at him, it's unbelievable to me that she finally got her dream. Remember how odd he looked in the ultra sound? It looks nothing like that, thank goodness. I think that he looks like Tai from the nose down, but his eyes and forehead are all Jimmy. The cutest thing about him is his hair. It's about 2 1/2 inches high and stands straight up in a baby faux-hawk. After his bath, the nurse brought him in and said she thought he looked like a sumo, personally, I think he looks like a baby eskimo.
I'm anxious to hear from you. When I looked up Chennai, it looked metropolitan enough to find a travel agent to help you book your train to your next destination, did you have any trouble arranging things? Hopefully I will hear from you soon. I know you told me it would be a few days, but I can't help worrying when I don't hear anything.

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