Thanksgiving this year would have been perfect if only you were here with us. We were organized and grandma had the turkey in the oven early enough for us to have our turkey dinner at 2:00. How nice it was to eat early. We didn't have to go to bed stuffed, the kitchen was cleaned and the best part, we could eat turkey sandwiches later on when we got hungry. I happened to see a web site that had a thanksgiving project on it. Every week for the next 52 weeks [until next Thanksgiving] you take a pic and journal something that you are grateful for. Then next year we can take a look at what people wrote. I think we should do that, so today jot down in your journal something that you are thankful for and then for the next 52 weeks, keep adding 1 thing per week.
My first thing [other than being thankful for God creating us] I am thankful for, is Thanksgiving. It is so easy to take your loved ones for granted and on this one day, we are focused enough to put things in perspective and realize how important are family and friends are to our existence. So, I am grateful for the holiday.
I am also so very thankful that I didn't go to Jimmy's [nephew]for dessert and poker. If I had I would have missed your call. The connection was pretty crappy and the call was dropped, but it made me feel so good to hear your voice. I thought that you sounded upset, but you told me you just missed us and when I told dad, he said you probably felt that way because it was the holiday and you were not home. I think that he was love turkey day and you missed it, as well as missing you BD. That's enought right there to make you a little homesick.
It sounds like you will be having fun, though, on the houseboat. Is it on a lake, a big river or the ocean? I am glad that you are traveling with others. Considering the situation over there, it is probably best that you not travel too much on your own. I am not sure what you could do, but the State Department has put ALL of India on High Alert. They have not come right out and advised that all Americans leave the country, but I suggest keeping track of the news and if they do suggest you leaving, find out from the Embassy or consulate the best means on how to accomplish that. I will find out where the nearest Embassy/Consulate is from where you are at. They gave us a phone number to the State Department that we can call to check on advisories and updates, I will pass on any info I am given there.
I bet you did not include political unrest in your vacation plans. It is weird, but I was in Amman, Jordan during the 6 day war. I remember being on recess at the American School and seeing a bunch a people in the distance running around. We were too young to realize that the popping we heard were gunshots and not firecrackers. Our teachers lead us back into the school and we stayed there until the Marines came and got us to take us back to our homes. Later on at my friends house we sat on the roof and watched the "fireworks". Of course, they weren't fireworks at all, but the bombings over by the Jordan River. We ended up getting evacuated to Athens on my birthday. What an adventure. It was just grandma and I, my dad had to stay in Amman, locked up in the Embassy burning papers and money. That's what grandma told me. "Daddy has to stay. He needs to burn all the paper and money." I never did go back to Amman after that, they sent us home to the States instead.
I want you to stay and finish out you trip, but I don't want you to stay and jeopardize you safety and welfare if things are sketchy. Have fun, but be aware of your surroundings and cautious in your dealings with others.
Most importantly...come home healthy. I miss your bright smile, all our conversations and your big bear hugs.
Baby Shower
16 years ago
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