Busy day today. We are still in Vegas, spent the whole day doing errands with Tai. Baby Kian had some lab test done and a doctor's appointment. Doc said that he is doing well. Jaundice is improved, heart sounds beautiful, kidneys are working and told Taiya to "go home and enjoy your baby." Good advice. It has been an eventful week, it is good she has so much time off, I only wish I could stay until she is well rested and up to taking care of a new infant. She is a good mommy and I take such pleasure in seeing her take care of Kian. She records all his feedings and writes down every diaper change. She wraps him up like a "burrito", which he absolutely loves, and coos over him. Jimmy is every bit attentive...how lucky this baby is to have come into this family. We all love him so.
I was anxious to hear about your visit to the ashram. I think I may have already told you this, but when I was at Roberts, the lady in front of me was telling me her brother went to India and stayed at one. He ended up staying there for, I can't remember exactly, but something like 4 or 6 months. Anyway, it was a very spiritual experience and one that changed his life. She said that after the visit, he felt more focused and aware of the connection we have with everything around us. Sometimes, when I am up in the mountains, on the river or out in the desert, I become overwhelmed at the vastness of the world. I am just a particle but then I feel a true sense of belonging, like I am just where I need to be at that particular moment, and I see myself as a significant part of the whole picture. Maybe that's why I need to get out...I feel like I'm starving if I can't be outdoors, away from the city.
Along these same lines, I read with interest about Auroville. I logged on to the website, downloaded the newletter and read it with interest. Very new-age-Dawn-of-Aquarius-y. Never did get a clear idea about it so it will be very interesting to hear of your visit there.
Continue to explore, have great fun and write back to me.
I miss you!
Baby Shower
16 years ago
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